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Monday, June 19, 2017

If You Are Struggling to Shed Those Stubborn Pounds, These Weight Loss Tips Will Put You on Track

Many people who visit or live in Miami struggle with weight loss due to the generally hectic pace of the city and the abundance of fetching food. While there are plenty of healthy options and a never-ending supply of sunshine, most people don’t understand the fundamentals of losing weight the right way. This sets them up to fail before their effort even begins.

Some expert tips will give you the keys to shedding those stubborn pounds that seem to hang on, year after year.

You Must Monitor Your Caloric Intake

Too many people fail to lose weight because they are continually playing a guessing game with their calorie intake. If you really want to start trimming your waistline, become a calorie accountant; start recording and counting your calories. One pound of fat contains 3,500 calories. Therefore, you must lose that many in order to drop a pound of fat off your body. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2tU9KDi

Monday, June 12, 2017

How Testosterone Therapy in Miami Can Bolster the Drive and Health in Older Men

If you are an older man living in Miami or any lively city, low testosterone levels can dampen your outlook and lessen your zeal for activities that previously ignited your senses. Aside from causing a low libido and erectile dysfunction, it leaves many men feeling fatigued and unmotivated.

With so many flashy images of beautiful people celebrating their sexuality at the beach and night spots, many aging men don’t want to feel compelled to hide in the shadows. Further, they definitely don’t want to leave their partner unsatisfied in bed.

Luckily for some older men, there are is an alternative to just accepting their lot in life and giving up: testosterone therapy. Reinforcing your testosterone reignites energy levels in three important ways when it comes to a healthy lifestyle.

It Can Improve Sexual Drive

As men age, it is very natural for their testosterone levels to decline. This means they have a harder time getting or maintaining an erection, and many times their overall interest in sex decreases. This causes many men to turn to expensive sex pills that include a long list of harmful side effects. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2tUsHWI

Monday, May 29, 2017

Find Better Results through Small Changes with Help from a Weight Loss Clinic

Every day, we make decisions that affect the way our bodies work. Not sitting right at your desk all day can damage your back and shoulders. Staring at that computer screen for too long might affect your vision or give you headaches. The many decisions that you make about the things you put in your mouth probably show the most noticeable, even tangible effects on your body–effects that you don’t want to show off on the beaches of Miami. Drastic cutbacks might work for a little while, but old habits will most likely creep back in, adding back the pounds you lost.

It doesn’t have to be that way, though. Decide to make changes, little by little, until they become the norm. It’s a psychological game of mind over matter where you can train your brain to accept new and healthier habits bit by bit until they just become a part of who you are. No need to take on the full impact and stress that comes with a strict diet. Take it piece by piece until you find where you’ve always wanted to be and you feel confident being and staying there.

More Veggies, Then More Fruits

Maybe you are kindred spirits with the spinach-loving Popeye and maybe you eat fruit like candy. But even if you don’t really care much for fruits and veggies, make it the start of your weight loss program. Try to put more vegetables in your diet, and then more fruits; this might help your brain get used to it. If you’re just adding a little something green to your plate, your brain might be more okay with that than a plate full of different vegetables. It will get you into the healthier mindset gradually rather than dealing with the intimidation of taking it on full force. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2sNx3xV

Monday, May 22, 2017

The Many Life Changing Health Benefits of Weight Loss

People have different motivations for weight loss. For some, it’s to flaunt a flawless body at the start of swimsuit season. Others just want to fit into that perfect pair of jeans that they haven’t worn in a while. Often overlooked, however, is the fact that a number of people are losing weight to improve their wellbeing.

Studies show that two out of three adult Americans are overweight, and half of them are obese. People with excessive weight have a higher risk of acquiring serious medical conditions, such as hypertension.

That’s why for many, losing weight is the key to better health. Shedding just ten pounds can lead to improved health in a variety of ways. Numerous health issues can be managed as excessive pounds are removed, while other problems that affect your quality of life will soon be a thing of the past.

Lower Cholesterol and Blood Pressure

Obesity is one of the main causes of high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. After all, there’s only so much work your heart can do. Poor diet, lack of exercise, and unmanaged stress combine to create pressure in your circulatory system that can take a toll on your heart. Eventually, your heart’s walls become thick and damaged with overexertion. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2ruFkTr

Monday, May 15, 2017

Testosterone Therapy Promotes Weight Loss and Reduces Belly Fat

After a lifetime of activity, it's only natural that your body begins to run out of fuel. Your metabolism slows down, and the hormones which control body composition and produce energy need to be replenished. While this is perfectly normal, the effects can be devastating.

Testosterone Levels Decrease with Age

Beginning around age 40, men start to lose around 1% of their testosterone annually. At first, the attrition poses little impact. Over time, however, the body begins to lose some of its normal functions and failures begin to occur. For most men, low testosterone makes the development of lean muscle mass difficult. This change in body composition can lead to weight gain, especially around the belly.

Lose Weight and Feel Healthier

Fortunately, hormone replacement therapy offers solutions. A few years ago, a European study examined the impact of testosterone therapy on men’s health. According to the results, men who participated in hormone replacement lost an average of 35 pounds. They also lowered their body mass index considerably. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2ruLtPs

Dealing with Hypogonadism with Testosterone Therapy and Hormone Replacement

Did you know that low levels of testosterone in your body can cause many health issues and emotional problems? This is because testosterone is an essential hormone that your body needs to maintain good physical and mental health. For most men, hormone levels drop after the age of 30. By 40, testosterone is decreasing at almost 1% every year. By the age of 75, 30% of men suffer from low testosterone and show symptoms of hypogonadism.

Fortunately, testosterone therapy is available to treat low testosterone and hypogonadism in an effective and safe manner.

Understanding Hypogonadism

Male hypogonadism is a condition wherein the body’s sex glands produce little to no testosterone. Some people are born with this condition, while others develop this due to infection or injury. Those who are born with this disorder have underdeveloped or ambiguous male genitals, underdeveloped muscle mass, and impaired growth of body hair, among others. Some may even develop breast tissue similar to a woman. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2ruAvJL

Monday, May 8, 2017

Are You Masculine Enough? Testosterone Deficiency Strikes at the Heart of Manliness

It is not a favorite topic among men, yet hypogonadism or testosterone deficiency is a medical reality that strikes to the very core of masculinity. According to several studies on men’s health, approximately 35% of the American male population of over 30 years old suffer from this condition.

What is hypogonadism?

Scientifically, hypogonadism is a clinical condition that results from failure of the male reproductive organ to produce adequate amounts of testosterone and sperm cells due to disruption of hypothalamic-pituitary hormones. Though the condition is mostly age-associated, it is not impossible for men in the young healthy range to suffer this condition too.

In layman’s terms, hypogonadism is a condition where males have abnormally low testosterone levels. This significantly affects typical male characteristics (e.g. facial and body hair, muscle strength development, etc.) and sex drive. Hypogonadism is diagnosed by performing a blood test. You will be diagnosed as having low testosterone if the level goes below 300 nanogram per deciliter.

Aside from hormonal imbalance, hypogonadism can also be caused by certain medical problems such as diabetes, HIV, AIDS, and long-term opioid use. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2sNmfzw

Numerous Athletic Health Benefits of Testosterone Therapy for Men

Gaining weight over the years happens to just about everyone. One can also expect to slow down a little with age, but what if you didn’t have to? What if there was a solution that keeps your body performing at peak capacity well into your golden years? Well, there is. It is called testosterone therapy.

After the age of 40, it is normal for a man to lose around 1% of his testosterone annually. This is an important detail to take note of because testosterone does a lot for overall health. Without an ample supply of this age-fighting hormone, your body will begin to succumb to the ravages of time. Fortunately, hormone replacement therapy resets the clock and gives you a new beginning late in the game.

Healthy Heart and Better Blood

Restoring your testosterone levels will increase your ability to manufacture red blood cells. Red blood cells are all about carrying oxygen and the more there are, the less your heart will have to work hard. Oxygen-rich blood keeps muscles and vital organs in better shape making it them less likely to become diseased. Your heart will certainly thank you. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2ruzst7

Monday, April 17, 2017

Steps You Must Follow to Conduct an Effective Weight Loss Plan

Gaining weight is easy. It happens almost unconsciously within our daily routine, meal after meal and day after day of relative inactivity.
Unfortunately, most people do not notice their immediate weight gain. According to a study conducted by the Medical Branch of the University of Texas, almost four out of ten women consider themselves thinner than they actually are.
Weight gain seems to worsen when you travel to popular destinations like Miami. Fortunately, you can maintain an effective weight loss program. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2p94K6W

Monday, April 10, 2017

Low Testosterone Levels Can be Rooted in Four Common Complications

Testosterone is a hormone responsible for the development of male sexual characteristics before birth. It stimulates the activity of secondary male sexual features during puberty, along with your system’s development as it relates to reproduction. This hormone is mainly produced in the testes, but a small level is also produced by the adrenal glands.
What are the average normal levels of testosterone in men?
Normal T levels in men range between 270 to 1070 ng/dL, with an average level of 679 ng/dL. Testosterone levels peak at 20 years of age and slowly decrease as a person ages. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2pKwjYs

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

How Visiting a Weight Loss Clinic in Miami Can Help You Reach Your Health Goals

When you incorporate a healthy diet along with frequent exercise, you can reach your weight loss goals much faster. But if you feel like all your hard work does not lead to the results you want, a medically supervised weight management program may be what you need.
Weight management programs are formulated based on your unique goals and needs and are closely monitored by a professional. Going to a weight loss clinic in Miami can lead to a better body image, increased confidence, and improved well-being. Below are some of the other benefits you can expect if you enroll in a weight loss program.
Less Depression
The social stigma that comes with being obese can weigh people down and keep them from socializing. When these people lose weight, they begin to see themselves in a more positive light, which in some cases relieve symptoms of depression. Many people who have successfully lost weight even talk about a spike in their confidence levels.  Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2nfXPeN

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Testosterone Therapy Clinic Shares Interesting Facts about This Fascinating Hormone

How much do you know about testosterone? If you’ve been reading about testosterone therapy, you’ve no doubt heard that it can increase your once-dormant sex drive. But there are a few other interesting things about the primary male androgen.
It Can Help You Lose Weight
Are you carrying a spare tire around in your belly? If you happen to suffer low testosterone, receiving a boost of this hormone can actually facilitate fat loss in your midsection. According to studies, a reduction in men’s abdominal obesity has been demonstrated after the administration of supplemental testosterone. All in all, a balanced level of testosterone keeps you fit and healthy.
Too Much Can Shrink Your Testicles
If testosterone is so great, why not get as much of it as you can? As with most things in life, too much of a good thing can cause trouble, too. For one, excess testosterone may actually cause your testicles to shrink. In fact, many athletes and bodybuilders who use steroid hormones, such as testosterone as a performance enhancer, often experience this unusual side-effect. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2nfUs7m

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Your Quest for Healthy Weight Loss May Just End with Hormone Therapy

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), about 36% of adults in Florida are overweight. The CDC also found that around 26% are struggling with obesity. Truly, weight management is a matter that authorities and medical professionals take very seriously.

Diet plans, exercise routines, gym equipment, and more—these are many of the common means on the road to successful weight loss for those concerned about their waistlines in and around Miami. However, an essential piece to your weight loss journey may be easily overlooked, this piece being, hormone therapy! Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2lAGzAf

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Achieve More in Your Road to Wellness through Testosterone Therapy

Both men’s and women’s bodies produce testosterone, and it’s a hormone that does more than aid in reproductive functions. It also plays a role in building muscles, regulating fat in the body, as well as contributing to behavioral control. The average adult male possesses about 270 to 1,070 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL) of testosterone in his blood. Women, on the other hand, carry only about 15-70 ng/dL.

When Testosterone Levels are Low

As the body ages, the production of testosterone is reduced. In men, testosterone levels decrease by about 1% every year after the age of 30. In some cases, very low levels of this hormone can cause loss of sleep, a decrease in sexual drive, a decrease in bone density, and a reduction in muscle mass, among other effects. These same symptoms may also manifest among women approaching the age of menopause as their testosterone production also declines. Read more from this blog:
