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Monday, June 19, 2017

If You Are Struggling to Shed Those Stubborn Pounds, These Weight Loss Tips Will Put You on Track

Many people who visit or live in Miami struggle with weight loss due to the generally hectic pace of the city and the abundance of fetching food. While there are plenty of healthy options and a never-ending supply of sunshine, most people don’t understand the fundamentals of losing weight the right way. This sets them up to fail before their effort even begins.

Some expert tips will give you the keys to shedding those stubborn pounds that seem to hang on, year after year.

You Must Monitor Your Caloric Intake

Too many people fail to lose weight because they are continually playing a guessing game with their calorie intake. If you really want to start trimming your waistline, become a calorie accountant; start recording and counting your calories. One pound of fat contains 3,500 calories. Therefore, you must lose that many in order to drop a pound of fat off your body. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2tU9KDi

Monday, June 12, 2017

How Testosterone Therapy in Miami Can Bolster the Drive and Health in Older Men

If you are an older man living in Miami or any lively city, low testosterone levels can dampen your outlook and lessen your zeal for activities that previously ignited your senses. Aside from causing a low libido and erectile dysfunction, it leaves many men feeling fatigued and unmotivated.

With so many flashy images of beautiful people celebrating their sexuality at the beach and night spots, many aging men don’t want to feel compelled to hide in the shadows. Further, they definitely don’t want to leave their partner unsatisfied in bed.

Luckily for some older men, there are is an alternative to just accepting their lot in life and giving up: testosterone therapy. Reinforcing your testosterone reignites energy levels in three important ways when it comes to a healthy lifestyle.

It Can Improve Sexual Drive

As men age, it is very natural for their testosterone levels to decline. This means they have a harder time getting or maintaining an erection, and many times their overall interest in sex decreases. This causes many men to turn to expensive sex pills that include a long list of harmful side effects. Read more from this blog: http://bit.ly/2tUsHWI